CR Mining
Posted by The ACL Team on 27th Feb 2020
CQMS (CR) Maryborough - Inventory Management
CQMS Razer (CR) is a leader in engineering innovation and manufacturing of mining equipment. Their superior range includes hydraulic excavator cast lip systems, load haul optimisation software systems, dragline buckets, ground engaging tools (G.E.T), dragline rigging, conveyor systems and fixed plant wear products.
The company operates globally covering most major mining regions, with dual headquarters in the U.S.A. and Australia, plus manufacturing facilities spread throughout Australia and China. The Maryborough foundry in Queensland is in fact the largest single pour foundry in the southern hemisphere.
Since engaging ACL, CQMS Razer Maryborough have;
Reduced Consumable Costs & Improved Inventory Management
The Maryborough foundry now has a weekly, on-site vendor managed inventory program. Purchasing across the foundry consists of multiple site departments with varying requirements so the team needed a supplier that offers professional on-site account management.
CR Maryborough were previously challenged with, missing orders, long waits for backorders and inconsistent, hard to track account information. ACL has been able to work with the supervisors on-site to consolidate orders, produce monthly reports and manage stock levels. Working in close partnership means ACL has been able to predict regular product usage and now hold stock at their nearest warehouse to eliminate delays.
“I’ve been recommending ACL to anyone who has had trouble with other suppliers. They are very much concerned that we don’t run out of stock and can keep working. They’ve been comfortable holding stock for us and getting to know our requirements” Dan Watson, After Cast Supervisor
A significant development in this relationship came from a complete pricing review. Reducing costs and keeping the operation running efficiently was an integral part of helping management keep local people employed. ACL worked with CR Maryborough, reviewing all their consumables and, as reducing order quantities was not an option, ACL analysed their inventory and suggested quality, price competitive alternatives. With success across many product ranges, CR continue to trial new products to maintain a healthy cost management strategy.
ACL do not restrict their buying range for loyal customers, if there are benefits for the customer, ACL will do what they can to source the required products.
“ACL supply what the industry requires, they have tried to work in well with us in terms of quality and price; and they’ve succeeded. ACL won’t compromise on quality”. Dan Watson, After Cast Supervisor
ACL supply a large range of products across the foundry from chemicals, paints and PPE, to general industrial supplies which include burrs, grinding wheels, cut off wheels, gouging, welding and cutting equipment as primary items. Keeping track of this mass inventory list is easy with ACL’s monthly customer reports which display product and category spend trends. ACL work closely with the CR team in reviewing these trends and pricing, with regular, collaborative meetings.
“ACL in one word?, “Friendship”.They are diverse and timely, and things are addressed without any if’s, buts or maybes.” Dan Watson, After Cast Supervisor